I knew that I was REALLY good at selling Girl Scout cookies, but I always shuddered to think that I could be good at sales. When I took those personality profiles, I took them twice because one of my career suggestions was always sales. But guess what? I realized a number of years ago that it’s not a bad thing. Maybe instead of being a shuckster, I sell love and positivity? Maybe I’m a CHEERLEADER?
Yes, I have discovered that I love direct sales. I have been playing with my current company for 1 year. Many years ago I represented a children’s toy company and loved it but got out of it when I started looking at all new connections as sales. This time I am truly embracing this job as a way to make intimate connections with people to add relationships to my life. I may not do this forever (though boy do I love the product and the discount I get to feed my love of said product) but there is so much more to it than SALES. There are connections!
And cool stuff.