Cheering for Cookies

I knew that I was REALLY good at selling Girl Scout cookies, but I always shuddered to think that I could be good at sales. When I took those personality profiles, I took them twice because one of my career suggestions was always sales. But guess what? I realized a number of years ago that it’s not a bad thing. Maybe instead of being a shuckster, I sell love and positivity? Maybe I’m a CHEERLEADER? 8a79d08967cb090f04cd1bb2f62725c5

Yes, I have discovered that I love direct sales. I have been playing with my current company for 1 year. Many years ago I represented a children’s toy company and loved it but got out of it when I started looking at all new connections as sales. This time I am truly embracing this job as a way to make intimate connections with people to add relationships to my life. I may not do this forever (though boy do I love the product and the discount I get to feed my love of said product) but there is so much more to it than SALES. There are connections! 


And cool stuff. 


Lori in writing Soli Deo Gloria size 28 copy


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