Each Day’s Joys

As we began our life, Bill and I celebrated each day. We were truly blessed, even early on when had to learn some hard lessons about money. We had to file bankruptcy, but even amidst those depressing learning experiences, we appreciated each other and tried to enjoy each day. Looking back, we seemed to embody the Hemingway quote, “Live life to the fullest.”


I have to admit that I was somewhat proud of this. I was appreciative for what I had, thanking God each day and happy that I could appreciate the small things as well as the big things.

World's End State Park

World’s End State Park – Great camping memories

The major goals* we established clearly for our future were to be together forever and to make the happiest household for our children. So far, after 31 years, we seem to have done that!

kayaking 5-11-15

May 2015

This sounds great, and to many people that may sound like we have accomplished so much. And we have, I’m not diminishing that (it is freaking HARD to make a marriage work, after all).

Bill and Lori

However, I neglected to look ahead to see the big picture and now that I can look back, I see a few additional goals I should have set, since having goals help a person clarify what they want out of life. As happy as I am now, there are some things I wish I would have planned for that would benefit myself and my family. I will write about them in the future, but in the meantime I hope you are considering your own dreams for your life, and the goals you need to set to reach them.

*you can read HERE about a the few smaller goals we made and what happened when we made them.

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