#WhatIdTell18YearOldMe – Don’t eat the Donuts!

Trending on Twitter right now is the hashtag #WhatIdTell18YearOldMe

Reading through those posts caused me to laugh, cringe, nod in agreement and shake my head in disgust. I tweeted a few words to join in the sharing, but reading the posts also made me reflect. I thought I’d share a few things going through my head.

Things I’d tell my 18 year old self:

1. As delicious as they smell and as pretty as they look, don’t eat the donuts!


2. Keep working out, keep stretching, keep exercising. I mean, always. Really.


3. Enjoy your kids. And if you figure out a better way to have a work identity and still give your best to your kids, share it with the world!

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4. Enjoy your body

5. Always have goals

6. Try harder

7. Keep your confidence


8. Your significant relationship will survive when you both keep coming back to the fence to walk together.

9. Be flexible.

10. Finally, reflect & pray, so you can make sure your goals & dreams are still in focus.



Lori in writing Soli Deo Gloria size 28 copy


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