Parties on the Porch

I love parties! This summer we’ve got July 4th, High School Graduation, College Send-Off, and more.


I haven’t had too many in the past year because of the work we’re doing (or have on pause) at the house right now.

HOWEVER, it’s party season so I can’t really ignore it any more. A and D, our two youngest ages 20 & 18, have spent a lot of their time lately planting and weeding and prettying up the porches.

This inspired me to search online for some party ideas so I can make some plans. Click on the photos for the credits and to get to the sites.

Please join me as I daydream and add things to my Pinterest boards!

One of the common themes I’m seeing is vintage, vintage everywhere! But I love it. Take a look at Michael’s porch (, where he even has furniture from his grandparents! I also love how he uses slate stones as placemats!


Here are some of the other homeowners whose porches were ready to party!

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Summer+Table+for+Two+-+05myplacetoyours       throughmyporchwindow summer-table_thecottagejournal

Enjoy! I wish you much success with your porch party!

Feel free to post a link to your own party in the comments!

Lori in writing Soli Deo Gloria size 28 copy

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