Connect! Happy New Year 2016

Happy New year!

Do you do anything special to mark the new year? To kick off the new year? Maybe to release the old?

Over the years we’ve done a variety of things. Several times when the kids were little we lit the burn barrel in the backyard (before we had the fire pit) and had little new year’s eve ceremonies. We gave them each a piece of yarn and asked them to think of something they wanted for the future year, whether it was a goal or a hope or an expectation. They were to pray or consider their wish/hope/dream as they wrapped their length of yarn around a twig. Then we bundled them up and went outside and had them toss their yarn into the burning fire, taking turns individually. When you choose the right yarn, it sparks in different colors when it burns, making a beautiful (if brief) spectacle. It felt like a beautiful little ceremony.

And then we would run up to the house and get warm, lol.


For the past few years we have been taking time to hike together (whoever is home). We love this tradition and truly feel it sets the tone for the year. Cleansing and hopeful!


This year was no exception, even though our youngest broke her leg just 6 days ago! Turns out you can drive to the top of a mountain pretty easily and and see the sunset, even with someone with a broken leg in the backseat.


Happy New Year from our family to yours!

Lori in writing Soli Deo Gloria size 28 copy

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